Goldendoodle Preventative Care - Everything You Need To Know!

March 2, 2023
Amber LaRock - LVT & Vetted Vet Pro

If you are the proud parent of a treasured Goldendoodle, you know just how unique they are. Ranging from their adorable personalities to their one of a kind coats, there's no pup out there like the Goldendoodle!

With a little one as special as the Goldendoodle, it makes sense that they have their own unique set of care needs. Vetted wants to make sure you have the tools needed to promote your Doodle’s health, so let’s discuss the health risks they are prone to, and how to best prevent them!

Before we get started, you can always download the Vetted app or email our team directly at so you can reach out to us with any further questions about your Goldendoodle’s health needs!

General Care Plan For Goldendoodles

While there is a list of specific care needs that Goldendoodles require, they still need the standard healthcare that we recommend for all little ones. Before we dive into the health risks that you should always be aware of in Doodles, let’s list the general care plan that we recommend for all dogs, unless instructed otherwise by your vet. 

  • A series of core vaccines when they are puppies, which typically involves 3 sets of vaccinations starting around 8 weeks of age. 
  • Yearly wellness exams
  • Monthly heartworm prevention, often including deworming medication as well
  • Annual core vaccines
  • Annual bloodwork from the time they reach 5-7 years of age

If you need some help with keeping up with your Goldendoodle’s vet care, be sure to download the Vetted app and use the reminders feature! All you have to do is plug in the dates for your pet’s upcoming care, and we’ll send you reminders leading up to these dates!

Goldendoodle Health Risks To Be Aware Of

Every breed of dog comes with their own unique set of health risks, and the Goldendoodle is no different. Being aware of these conditions can help you not only be on the lookout for the symptoms, but even prevent these complications in some cases. 

Joint disease: Goldendoodles are unfortunately prone to developing both hip dysplasia and joint disease. These are often hereditary issues that are passed down from dog to dog, but they can also be exacerbated by factors ranging from obesity to long term vigorous exercise. Symptoms of joint disease can include stiffness, limping, difficulty getting up and down, change in gait, muscle wasting in the back end, and joint swelling. 

Ear infections: Due to the Goldendoodle’s fuzzy ears and increased risk of skin allergies, these pups are very prone to developing chronic ear infections. The most common symptoms to be on the lookout for include head shaking, pawing at the ears, ear redness, ear odor, moisture in the ears, and ear sensitivity.

Skin infections: Doodles are prone to developing skin irritation and skin allergies, and this makes them more at risk of skin infections as a result. The most common symptoms you will notice are skin redness, itchy skin, dandruff, sores on the skin, skin odor, and chronic ear infections. 

Eye conditions: While many eye conditions in Doodles are hereditary or due to an underlying medical condition, it is important to be aware of the symptoms. You may not be able to prevent these issues, but catching them as soon as they develop can slow down the progression of their condition. Symptoms to lookout for include eye redness, swelling around the eye, cloudiness of the eye, change in eye color, pawing at the eye, or a decline in vision capabilities. 

Digestive complications: Goldendoodles are known to have very sensitive stomachs. This means they may struggle when eating food outside of their normal diet, and they may even be more prone to bouts of diarrhea. Some common GI symptoms include loose stool diarrhea, excessive gas, burping, occasional vomiting, and changes in appetite. 

Not all Goldendoodles will struggle with these complications, but it’s good to be on the lookout for the symptoms we discussed above! 

Preventative Care For Your Goldendoodle

Now that you are aware of the health threats that can impact your little one, it’s time to discuss the ways to spot these issues as they develop, or even prevent them altogether!

Annual check ups: Having your little one assessed by a vet each year is one of the best ways to catch any developing illness or health complications. Vets know exactly what to look for in their exams, and they can even recommend specific testing if they think it is necessary.

Joint supplements: All large breed dogs can benefit from joint supplements once they reach one year of age, but this is especially true for Goldendoodles. You may not be able to prevent hereditary joint complications, but you can certainly offer their joints support as each year passes. Joint supplements are a great way to prevent damaging joint inflammation, improve joint recovery, and offer additional lubrication to the joints. 

Regular grooming: Grooming habits such as ear cleaning and brushing can be a wonderful way to promote skin and coat health in your Goldendoodle. You can typically clean your Doodle’s ears once a month with a veterinary approved ear cleanser, and you can brush them at least three times per week. 

Probiotics: If your Doodle is known to have a sensitive stomach, then probiotics can be a wonderful addition to their dietary routine. Probiotics help to send good bacteria to the gut, which in turn helps to promote digestive balance moving forward. 

Every Doodle will vary when it comes to their health care needs, but these are a few of our favorite care tips for the beloved Doodles in our life. As always, our Vet Pros are here to answer any questions you have about your dog’s needs. You can always download the Vetted app or email our team directly at