Does My Pet Need Annual Bloodwork? Let’s Discuss It All!

March 16, 2023
Amber LaRock - LVT & Vetted Vet Pro

There are many important aspects of preventative health in our little ones, and annual bloodwork is one of them! Our pets can develop hidden illnesses as the years go by, and annual blood testing is a great way to spot these issues as they develop. 

Vetted wants to empower you through education on your little one’s health and wellness routine, so let’s discuss everything you need to know about yearly bloodwork in your little one. We’ll discuss what these tests look for, the health complications bloodwork can detect, and how Vetted can support your pet’s routine care moving forward!

Before we dive into the details, you can always download the Vetted app or email our team directly at so you can reach out to us if you have any additional questions about yearly bloodwork in your little one!

What Is Annual Bloodwork In Pets?

Annual bloodwork in pets involves your veterinarian taking a blood sample from your little one. Your vet can then use this blood sample to search for evidence of certain illnesses, ranging from the presence of heartworm disease to complications with their organ function. 

Your vet can either test your little one’s blood at their office based on the testing tools they have available, or they can send your pet’s blood sample to a nearby lab. No matter the option your vet has available to them, you will typically know the results of their blood tests within 48-72 hours. 

Why Is Annual Bloodwork So Important In Dogs & Cats?

Our pets age at a much faster rate than humans do. While the aging process will vary based on the pet’s size and breed, our little one’s will always move through each life stage at a much faster rate than you and I do. This is why annual bloodwork is so important, as your pet’s health can change drastically in just a year. 

By offering your pet yearly bloodwork, your vet can potentially spot health complications that were not present the year prior. Not only can they see evidence of health shifts in their blood values, but it also allows your vet to begin proper management early on. Many chronic health complications in our little ones are best managed when they are caught soon after they develop. 

What Does Annual Blood Work Look For In Dogs & Cats?

Annual blood tests in pets can look for a variety of health complications. To make sure you are aware of just how valuable these tests are, let’s break down some of the many health changes that your vet can detect with annual bloodwork.

Annual bloodwork in cats and dogs can detect:

  • Heartworm disease
  • Anemia
  • Infections
  • Kidney disease 
  • Liver disease
  • Diabetes
  • Immune mediated conditions
  • Thyroid disease
  • Endocrine diseases

The complications above can not only impact your pet’s quality of life, but they can also shorten your pet’s lifespan if they are not managed properly. By catching these health complications early, you are offering your little one the best chance at a long and happy life at your side. 

When Should Pets Start Getting Annual Bloodwork?

Every pet will vary on when annual bloodwork is most effective for them, but most vets will suggest starting yearly blood tests at ages 5-7. This is due to the fact that many health complications are more common once they’ve reached their adult years, so you are more likely to see shifts in their blood values at this point. 

Just keep in mind that every pet is different, so we always suggest asking your vet what is right for your little one. 

Vetted Will Cover Your Pet’s Annual Bloodwork

Vetted understands just how important annual bloodwork is for your beloved pet, which is why we want to reward you for being proactive about your pet’s health! Vetted reimburses up to $245 of routine vet care each year once you become a Vetted member, and this includes annual blood testing!

We want the best for your little one, so we want to be at your side each step of the way of their health care journey. If you have any other questions about your pet’s health and happiness, you can always download the Vetted app or email our team directly at