Why Does My Pet Have Less Energy Than Usual? Let's Discuss!

January 23, 2023
Amber LaRock - LVT & Vetted Vet Pro

If it seems like your little one has less energy than usual, then you are likely wondering what could cause this sudden shift in their behavior. We grow to know just how active our pups are each day, so a decrease in the amount of pep in their step can have you wondering if something is wrong. 

Our team at Vetted wants to empower you through education on your pet’s health, so let’s introduce you to everything you need to know about decreased energy in pets. Let’s discuss the potential reasons why your little one has less energy than usual, and help you determine the best plan of action for your pet moving forward!

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How Do I Monitor My Pet’s Energy Levels?

Due to the fact that every cat and dog will have a different amount of energy each day, it can be tough to know what is normal. There is no one size fits all when it comes to energy levels in pets, so it’s essential to understand what is standard for your pet. Once you know what to expect from your little one each day, you can then jump into action when things seem off. 

To make sure you know how to track any changes in your pet’s energy levels, let’s list a few questions you can ask yourself to establish a baseline for your pet. Once you answer these questions about your little one, you can better spot any lethargy or behavioral changes. 

  • How often does your pet nap throughout the day? By taking note of this, you can catch on if they begin to sleep more than usual. 
  • Is your pet excited to see you when they wake up in the morning or when you get home from being away? There is no right or wrong response, but establishing a baseline is what’s important!
  • When your pet does engage in any type of exercise, how long does it typically take for them to get tired? Once you know this about your pet, you can easily notice if they seem more winded than usual. 
  • Does your pet eagerly come to you when they are called? Not all pets do, but we just want to figure out what is normal for your little one. 
  • Does your pet have a favorite toy, game, or activity that they always engage in? If so, make sure to remember their standard reaction to these activities so you can spot any changes.
  • Does your pet seem to follow you around your home like a shadow? By knowing this about your pet, you can take notice if your pet begins to suddenly keep to themselves.

Answering the above questions will help you better understand your treasured pet moving forward! If you have any specific questions about your pet’s behavior each day, you can always reach out to our Vet Pros on our 24/7 pet health chat. 

Why Does My Pet Have Less Energy Than Usual?

If it seems like your pet has less energy than they typically do, then you are likely wondering what this could mean for their health. Decreased energy can point to an array of underlying health conditions in pets if it lasts for more than 24 hours, so it is an important symptom to monitor. 

While the only way to diagnose the cause of your pet’s decreased energy is by having them assessed by a vet, we can offer a few examples of conditions that cause our little ones to appear more tired than usual. 

GI upset: If your little one has an upset stomach, you may notice that they seem much more tired than usual. Not only can the discomfort of vomiting and diarrhea make them appear more sluggish, but dehydration from these symptoms can also cause decreased energy. 

Fever: Have you noticed how awful you feel when you have a fever? Unfortunately for our pets, they experience this same feeling when they have a fever as well. Not only does the fever cause general discomfort and lethargy, but the underlying cause of their fever can make them feel a bit sluggish as well. 

Medication: There are many forms of medication that can lead to drowsiness in our little ones. Some of these medications include those for pain control, antihistamines, behavioral modification medications, motion sickness medication, and even some medications for nausea. 

Chronic illness: Some forms of underlying illness can impact our pet’s energy levels due to the toll they take on the body. Chronic illness in pets can lead to daily pain, GI upset, lethargy, and many other symptoms that can have a drastic impact on our pet’s quality of life. No matter what type of underlying illness your pet is battling, it is not uncommon for them to be more tired than usual. 

If you are having a hard time understanding your pet’s symptoms, then we suggest reaching out to our skilled Vet Pros on our Vetted 24/7 pet health chat. We can discuss your concerns in detail and help you get to the bottom of what’s going on!

What Should I Do If My Pet Has Decreased Energy?

We understand how concerned you are about your pet that has less energy than usual, so you are likely wondering how to best move forward. While you can reach out to our Vet Pros at any time for skilled guidance, we always suggest seeking veterinary care if your pet’s energy levels seem low for more than 24 hours. This is especially true if they are experiencing any other concerning symptoms, as this could point to an underlying illness of some kind. 

Our pet’s energy levels can fluctuate from time to time, but we should expect our little ones to maintain their standard pep each day. If you are ever concerned about a sudden shift in your pet’s energy, or any other behavioral changes you notice, we encourage you to reach out to our Vet Pros on our pet health chat for skilled help! We are always here to help you and your little one. 

You can always download the Vetted app or email our team directly at love@getvetted.io